Article sections

    Slides Layout

    Use this option to select the Layout of Slides to be displayed on your front page. You can choose one of the options when the Slides is divided into two parts (Split-screen) or in full-screen mode.

    alt text
    alt text

    Disable Slides Title

    Using this option, you are able to Enable / Disable the Slides Titles.

    Enable Scroll down Arrow Button

    Using this option, you are able to Enable / Disable the Scroll-down Arrow Button and choose the style.

    • Disable
    • Dark
    • Light

    Vertical Alignment

    Use this option to set up the alignment the Vertical Alignment (Content Elements: Title, Subtitle, Text, Button).

    alt text
    alt text
    • Middle
    • Bottom

    Horizontal Alignment

    Use this option to set up the alignment the Horizontal Alignment (Content Elements: Title, Subtitle, Text, Button).

    alt text
    alt text
    alt text
    • left-aligned
    • right-aligned
    • centered

    Text Color

    Use this option to set up the Title, SubTitle and Text Color.

    Title Hover Color

    Use this option to set the Title Hover Color.

    Button or Link

    Use this option to choose the Button or Link for your project.

    Text on the Button or Link

    Use this option to enter text on the Button or Link here.

    Button/Link Color Style

    Use this option to specify the Button or Link Color Style.

    • Dark
    • Light

    Ken Burns / Pan Zoom

    Using this option, you are able to Enable / Disable the Ken Burns / Pan Zoom Effect.

    Dots Navigation

    Using this option, you are able to Enable / Disable the Dots Navigation or select display style.

    alt text
    alt text
    alt text

    Navigation Dots Position

    Use this option to set the Navigation dots position on the right/left side of the page.

    • left-aligned
    • right-aligned

    Slides Typography Settings

    Slides Title Font Size

    Use this option to set the static or dynamic (responsive) font size for Slides Title.

    Slides Title Highlight

    Using this option, you are able to Enable / Disable the Title Highlight.

    Slides Title Highlight Color

    Use this option to set the Title Highlight Color.

    Slides Title

    Use this option to set up the Project Title Font, Size, etc.

    Slides Title: Margin Bottom

    The margin-bottom property sets the bottom margin of an element.

    Slides Subtitle

    Use this option to set up the Slides Subtitle Font, Size, etc.

    Slides Subtitle: Bottom Margin

    Use this setting to set the bottom margin of an element. Specify a fixed bottom margin in px.

    Single Page Settings

    Navigation Bar

    This option sets the additional navigation (forward / backward) on the profile page of the Slides.

    alt text
    alt text
    alt text

    Navigation Bar Style

    Use this option to select Style the Navigation Bar. This option works if you select the type №2 navigation bar.

    alt text
    alt text

    Previous and Next Navigation.

    This option enables to Enable / Disable the main navigation (located at the bottom of the content) on the profile page of the Slides.

    How to

    How to start a SLIDES?

    You’ll need to perform a few simple steps to launch the Slides.

    1. Activate the LEVELUP theme. Appearance -> Themes -> LEVELUP -> Activate
    2. Create a new, blank page Pages -> Add New and set it as Home Page. Settings -> Reading -> Front page displays -> A static page (select below) -> Front page -> Your New Page
    3. Create a slide (upload and set an image at least) Slides -> Add New -> Publish
    4. Open General Settings of the theme LEVELUP -> General Settings, set the “Front Page” setting to “Slides”. After that, if you go to the website, you will see the slide you created on the main page. If you set “Front Page” to the “Default” state, then you will see a page you created initially and set it as the front page in the WordPress settings.

    It’s pretty simple, enjoy.

    in Theme Options
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