Article sections

    Blog Title

    Use this option to enter the title of the blog.

    Blog Layout

    Use this option to select your blog format here.

    • Grid
    • Masonry

    Full Width Layout

    Use this setting to set the layout to full width.

    Blog Item Columns

    Use this option to select the number of columns you would like for your blog.

    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 6


    Use this option to specify the spacing between grid elements.

    • 30
    • 40
    • 50
    • 60

    Blog Sidebar

    Use this option to choose a sidebar layout or w/o sidebar layout for Blog

    • No Sidebar
    • Right Sidebar

    Blog List Title

    Use this option to pick the Blog List Title Font, Size, etc.

    Blog List Title: Bottom Margin

    Use this setting to set the bottom margin of an element. Specify a fixed bottom margin in px.

    Meta Data Display Style

    Use this setting to choose any the post meta data display style or hide. This information usually includes the author of the post, when it was written (or posted), and how the author categorized that particular post.

    • Disable
    • by Autor in Category, Month day, Year
    • by Autor Month day, Year
    • by Autor in Categoryby autor
    • by Autor

    Blog List Meta Data

    Use this option to pick the Blog List Subtitle Font, Size, etc.

    Blog List Meta Data: Bottom Margin

    The margin-bottom property sets the bottom margin of an element.

    Blog Title Area Disable?

    Use this option to enable / Disable the Blog Title Area.

    Blog Category Filter

    Use this setting to enable / disable Category Filter in the Blog.

    Blog List: Separator Disable?

    Enable / Disable he separator between Title Area and the page content.

    Blog List. Content Area Top Padding

    Override the Content Area Top Padding (Global).

    alt text

    Blog List. Content Area Bottom Padding

    Override the Content Area Bottom Padding (Global).

    alt text

    Automatic Post Excerpts

    Use this option to create automatic excerpts for your posts, placing a read more button after.

    Excerpt Length

    How many words would you like to display for your post excerpts? The default is 30.

    Single Post

    Single Post Full-width

    Using this option, you may to expand the content area to full width.

    Single Post Sidebar

    Use this option to choose a layout for Blog Single page. W/ Sidebar or w/o Sidebar

    • No Sidebar
    • Right Sidebar

    Single Post. Content Area Top Padding

    Override the Content Area Top Padding (Global).

    alt text

    Single Post. Content Area Bottom Padding

    Override the Content Area Bottom Padding (Global).

    alt text


    Use this option to Enable / Disable the Comments Blog.

    Meta Data in Title Area

    Use this option to Enable / Disable the Meta data in Title Area.

    Author’s Info

    Use this option to Enable / Disable the the Author’s Information.

    Social Media Sharing Buttons

    Activate this to enable social sharing buttons on your blog posts.

    Previous and Next Post Navigation

    Use this option to Enable / Disable the Previous & Next Default Navigation Buttons on a Blog Single Page.

    in Theme Options
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