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    500 Internal Server Error
    In case during the import theme you faced with the error 500, don’t worry this issue can be settled.
    Main reasons why you may see 500 Internal Server Error:

    Incorrect web server configuration
    PHP memory limits set too low
    Incorrect file permissions
    Conflicting Third Party Plugins
    Incorrect web server configuration
    Sometimes 500 Internal Server Error may be the reason of incorrect server set up, but I recommend you to check all the other reasons related to this issue, before asking questions and requesting the log of your hosting provider for more profound investigation.

    PHP memory limits set too low
    Recommended PHP configuration limits fot LEVELUP theme are:

    max_execution_time 180
    memory_limit 128M
    post_max_size 32M
    upload_max_filesize 32M
    max_input_vars 5000 (If the large number of menu items is used)
    Incorrect file permissions
    In some cases, the reason may be file permissions. It is necessary to check the set attributes. For WordPress, plugins, and themes need to be set at 755 for folders, and 644 for files. We may come across the recommendations to set 777, but this way could cause additional problems, in addition to solving of 500 Internal Server Error.

    Conflicting Third Party Plugins
    One of the reasons that could cause 500 Internal Server Error is the conflict of Third Party Plugins. In order to figure out which exact plugin is causing the problem, we recommend to disable Third Party Plugins that are not included to the theme packet by default.

    in Troubleshooting
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