Article sections

    Front Page

    Use this option to select how to start your website(either as the Page or the actual Slides). If it’s started as the Slides, you are able to set all projects visible on the site’s main page.

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    Default Page
    SLIDES Mode

    Main Back To Top Button (Global)

    Back To Top Button / Classic Version

    Classic Version-Use this option to choose the button type. When you press the “Back To Top” button, the page scrolls itself up to the very beginning. Classic Version(if activated) makes the button “Back To Top” always displayed (apart from the first screen) at the bottom right corner.

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    Row Padding (Global)

    Visual Composer Row Padding

    Using this option, you may set the padding (on all sides) in pixels in the Row.

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    Content Area Padding (Global)

    Content Area Top Padding (Global)

    Using this option, you may set a global top padding for the page content in pixels. This option applies globally to all of the pages.

    alt text

    Content Area Bottom Padding (Global)

    Using this option, you may set a global bottom padding for the page content in pixels. This option applies globally to all of the pages.

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    Search by…

    Use this option to specify the search section to work with.

    • WordPress and WooCommerce
    • WooCommerce Only

    Disable Content overlapping?

    Use this setting you can enable / disable page content overlapping while the search bar panel is opened.


    Comments (Pages / Portfolio / Slides)

    Use this setting you can enable / disable the comment sections at all of the Single Pages, in Portfolio and in the Slides. The comments sections are disabled by default.

    Other Settings

    Google Maps Api

    Some time Google imposed restrictions, you need generate api key for your web site and enter this key

    LEVELUP Options > General Settings > Google Maps Api

    in Theme Options
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