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    The process of updating LEVELUP theme should not cause any troubles and usually takes several minutes. But please be attentive and follow the recommendations as to update LEVELUP theme in order not to make an error or not to loose your data in the process.

    Best Practices

    Before Updating

    • Please read all the release notes for the update.
    • Backing up before upgrading. This one should be fairly obvious, but is often overlooked. It’s important not only to schedule regular backups, but to perform them manually whenever you are updating the theme.
    • Any customizations you have made to the Themes files will be lost. Please consider using child themes for modifications.
    • For best result use latest version of WP
    • We recommend to turn off caching Plugin, if you are using such, for the period of Updating theme.
    • Testing theme Updates Locally or in a Staging Environment.

    Automatically Updates (Envato Market Plugin)

    Using Envato Market Plugin, you can update LEVELUP theme automatically.

    We recommend to use plugin Envato Market for auto update. Starting from version 1.0.19 we are including it into theme packet.

    • For the beginning you need go to WP-admin Dashboard.
    • On the navigation bar on the left found Envato Market. (Plugin should be installed and activated, enter the page Plugins and check this.)
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    • You will need to generate a personal token, save it for further using.
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    • Enter data as in the image provided below and save the settings.
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    • After page refreshing the tab Themes will appear.
    • In case new version of theme is available, you will see notification about this, as in the image below.
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    • Clicking the link “Update Aviable”, theme will be updated to the latest version.
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    Automatically Updates (Envato WordPress Toolkit)

    Using Envato WordPress Toolkit, you can update LEVELUP theme automatically.

    • For the beginning you need go to Themeforest > Settings > API Keys.
    • Generate API key, save it for further using.
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    • Go to WP-admin Dashboard.
    • On the navigation bar on the left found Envato Toolkit. (Plugin should be installed and activated, enter the page Plugins and check this.)
    • Enter data as in the image provided below and save the settings.
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    • After page refreshing the tab Themes will appear.
    • In case new version of theme is available, you will see notification about this, as in the image below.
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    • Clicking the link “update automatically”, theme will be updated to the latest version.

    Manual Updates

    Manual Updates via the WordPress Dashboard

    One more way to update the theme (not the most popular one) is to deactivate and delete the current version of the theme and to reinstall the new one.

    • Unpack the archive with LEVELUP Theme, which you have downloaded from ThemeForest. In the folder you will find, this is exactly the theme, which we will install.
    • In order to delete the current theme, it is necessary to switch to any default theme WordPress.
    • Delete the current theme. Don’t worry all theme settings will be saved, as they are saved in the data base, not in the files. In case you made the changes in the files, they will be rewritten with update. For making changes in code and it was not rewritten with update, use child themes, I hope, you already know this.
    • Click on “Add New” button.
    • Then click Upload Theme Button.
    • Choose the file (with new theme version), and click the button Install Now.
    • After installation click “Activate”.

    Manual Updates via FTP

    • For the beginning you need to download archive with theme in the tab Download, when you are logged in the ThemeForest Dashboard > Downloads.
    • Unzip the file
    • Upload the extracted LEVELUP theme folder into /wp-content/themes/.
    • The FTP program will give a warning that there is an existing directory with the same name, choose to Replace All.
    • Updating will take some time (each time differently), in order to replace all the files.
    • After files updating finishes, enter the Theme Options and near the logotype you will see the current theme version, in case everything passes successfully you will see exactly that version that you were updating.
    in General Information
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